NAME :The name of the organisation shall be ELDER FARM COMMUNITY TRUST / E-COMMUNITY / CO-OPERATIVE
We are a Group Dedicated to the Restoration and Eventual Upkeep of a B Listed Building in the Grounds of Elder Farm (previously known as Fairfield Steadings), at a time of Serious Unemployment, Great Need and Depreciation of Self Worth, and in Accordance with the Good Intentions of John and Isabella Elder, her Brother John Ure, and the Original Deed of Gift to the People of Greater Govan, and in that Restoration to Deliver Training and Paid Work Experience under Expert Guidance, and in Sympathy with Sustainable Values and Traditions, while Providing a (*******)
(*a survey is to be sent out to the community in around October to guide us towards a popular goal ie :
A/ a Healthy Living Hub Dedicated to Past Memories of Govan – Especially Shipbuilding
B/ a Building College Serving Intense Courses
C/ an Earthship / Permaculture College Teaching Sustainable Techniques and Policies
D/ a Catering College
E/ a Pleasant, Recreational Educational Community Centre, with Cafe, Hub, Workshop, Arts Suite, and Facilities for Park Users to Encourage Outdoor Activities)
… to Benefit the People of Glasgow and Especially the Local Communities of Greater Govan
Initially :
to upgrade the B Listed building in a manner which will benefit the local Community, and Economy as best we may,
to make this Dangerous Building Safe and Keep it Secure
to use Sustainable Solutions as best we may, and encourage workers and the community to become involved in local and global discussion on environment, transport and planning issues and their future solutions
to Provide Skilled Work Experience and Training
After which :
to develop the building, using pre-existing footprint in a like fashion,
to ensure the centre is run in a manner which will benefit the local community
To promote healthy living and well-being
To actively engage with all sectors of the community
To promote sustainability and self-reliance in the community
To promote sustainable practices and permaculture solutions in all aspects of the project
To share ideas, knowledge and skills in all aspects of the project
To promote friendship and social cohesion in the community
To co-operate with, and create partnerships with, other like-minded people/ groups
To use resources appropriately – recycle, reuse and regenerate.
To encourage and develop craft and practical skills which will be of benefit to the project.
Where difference of opinion exists, to promote honest and open discourse allowing full discourse where possible to avoid division and derision in the group?
Note :
None of us is an expert, we learn from nature and our fellows.
It is surprising how much each of us knows, even if we think we know nothing, if we are willing to open our hearts and minds to share. Each of us brings valuable input and insight to the experience and we value everyone’s ideas and opinions, but will always try to steer towards using organic and sustainable solutions when we can
Decimated on the past by the generic life force to establish a pecking order, we will try to find ways to overcome this. There are no bosses, just folk with a combined wide life experience, much to teach and much to learn, some of whom have a wee bitty clearer understanding of what is going on, because they have been around a wee bitty longer. The fact is that new blood brings new experience and ideas which is good
We will always try to discourage idle gossip / discrimination through gossip.
We recognise that we are mostly all imperfect beings in a pretty nice world each with stresses and troubles of our own. We understand that it is not always possible to leave troubles at the gate.
We understand that sometimes lids will blow and words will be said, but ask members to consider that we all have a right to work out our griefs in the garden, and recommend that with time we each learn the distances we should keep to maintain some kind of positive energy.
Rants are bearable, human forces inevitable, but obsessional chunterings may lead to explosions, and as guru Mahadev says, anger is a tool, learn to understand it and use it wisely
We are a community and we are here to allow the project to work it’s magic. The project is boss and don’t we forget it. We may fail in these endeavours every month, week or day, but will try again tomorrow
The committee currently consists of members who are prepared to be actively engaged in finding the best solutions for the project
Because of previous failures and attempts to take over we have no chiefs and bearers
Community members will be encouraged to join the Committee and membership will remain open until as such time as it becomes impossible to sustain, at which time maximum numbers may be specified, and a process of voting members to the committee may be established, but currently, for the nature of the project, we welcome new members
Membership to the group shall be open to all persons supporting the aims of the group
The restoration of the building has started and stopped a number of times, because Committee Members have found themselves unable to attend / keep up. We understand that people have jobs and / or life / family issues to deal with, and may find it hard to keep up with meetings, but do expect those members to consult with us and work towards keeping up with communications and issues, in order to stay involved with decision making and help deliver this project to a happy conclusion. We can do this
All Committee Members have equal partnership
For the purposes of dealing with corporate bodies, etc, three or more representatives may be chosen by the group to handle communications, funds, and other issues which may arise
All parties must report findings, issues, results, concerning the project, back to the groups
We expect some of the partners to have special skills and abilities in certain fields, and we will naturally look to them for advice and ask them to take the lead as necessary
We expect some of our partners to offer labours in support of the project and we expect to pay them and their employees fairly
We do not expect to pay for Committee Time
All decisions regarding this will be fairly documented but it is a main feature of the project that partners invited to take part in the project are offering their knowledge advice and skills for free, but when taking the part of necessary professionals on the project, should so be fairly paid
In return we expect these professional to make every effort to communicate with the Committee, and keep them up to date with works, requirements, issues and results, good or bad
We aim to involve all interested Community Groups in Govan, by inviting them to send one or more representatives to join our committee
In the event of any of these members leaving, that group will be responsible for appointing another member to the Committee, to ensure some kind of continuum is achieved should one or more parties leave the group
Information will be shared on the internet and held in books on site for anyone to find and read
A forum will be provided for community members to discuss and present opinions and will be taken into account when decisions have to be made. Using the internet and local media, the Community will be invited to join in the decision making process in a positive way.
All minutes and quarterly accounts will be uploaded and held on Facebook Group Accounts and on the Jimdo site, and / or in paper form anyone to view
No funding should be applied for until we have a clear idea of what we need and how much we need
Funding should always include insurance for projects, and wherever possible payment for work experience for local unemployed workers
Funders should always be aware if professional partners are expecting to be paid for the work provided and estimates must be given in comparison according to fair practise
In the light of requests for full disclosure, we shall work hard to deliver full and fair deal for workers and full and fair disclosure of practices and intentions
Ordinary meetings will take place xxx a month, on the xxx.
An extraordinary meeting will take place when demanded by at least 2/3rd of the membership present on due notice being given to the secretary. The business done at the emergency meeting shall be limited to the reason for convening the meeting.
Due to the nature of the project meetings can be called on short notice and attempts will be made to ensure everyone is informed about reasons and issues so that they can be more informed during the meeting
An Annual General Meeting / Catch up will take place in the 1st week of xxxx, one months due notice being given by the secretary.
The financial year shall run from xxx April?
An audited financial statement shall be presented at the AGM.
All members are entitled to vote at the AGM.
Articles on loan or donated shall be recorded in the List of Assets. Donors of assets will have the right to reclaim donated items on departure from the group.
Property bought by the group will be permanently owned by the group.
The group shall be non-profit making. Any surplus accruing shall be carried forward and devoted to furthering the aims of the group
Any portion of grants not used shall be returned to the funding body.
In the event of the group ceasing to operate, the disbursement of any equipment purchased through grants from Glasgow City Council shall be subject to the agreement of that body.
No alteration to this constitution shall be made except with general consensus and giving due notice, and / or at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.
Notice of a proposed change must be made in writing and submitted to the secretary two weeks before the proposed date of the extraordinary meeting.
The group shall be wound up by a resolution of 75% of voting members present at an emergency meeting.Any balance of cash held by the treasurer after all transactions have been completed shall be remitted to a charity or organisation approved by the Committee of Management.
In the event of winding up the charity, all remaining proceeds should be returned to donors or released for the use of Galgael